A Joyous Tuesday?

The sun is shining, my to-do list is filled with exciting things, and—I lost close to 5 lbs. If that doesn't inspire a blog post, I don't know what does! ;) Have you ever had the feeling of being completely, 100% over overwhelmed with joy? Not just on your wedding day, or the day your child is born—but on an otherwise uneventful Tuesday? I find myself struck right now. I'm not sure why—it could be any number of the countless things that I am grateful for on a daily basis: my one-of-a-kind awesome family, the work I feel honored and privileged to do, the people who are part of so many different aspects of my life, and the exciting calendar of events stretching into 2012 and beyond.

My guess is that whatever it is, it probably isn't related to the dead bird the cats dragged into the house this morning... but it could have something to do with the clean-up number I did on my inbox today, or the fact that I turned in the final version of Chapter 9 last night.

Who knows? Right now—I'm happy to just ride the wave.

I'm celebrating with a latte. Happy Tuesday everybody!