Hello!? Anybody Home?
/So.... I feel like it's been forEVER since I've updated my blog (okay, 2 weeks can certainly feel like forever!) Where on Earth have I been? Someplace far removed from anything resembling an internet connection? Hardly. Nope. I've been here (and Nashville, at a conference) but mostly... here. What in the world could have me so busy that I haven't had time to blog oodles and oodles? Besides, it's winter. As a wedding photographer, doesn't that mean I'm pretty much on vacation until spring? (yeah right!)
One really cool/challenging/healthy thing I've been up to is...... running. Not in the usual way (which is in circles, all around like crazy trying to get 10 zillion things done), but rather.... in the kind of way that should hopefully prepare me for the Lincoln Marathon (half marathon) this spring. I have never considered myself a runner, so you might be asking yourself why in the world I would start now?
For starters.... It's healthy. And that, in and of itself is really the only reason one needs, no? :) My friend Christina convinced me to sign up for a marathon training class (which is great, considering I had no clue what I was doing when I started!). It's offered by Ann Ringlein from the Lincoln Running Company. If you're a runner... I'm sure you know who she is. The woman is pretty much an icon in this town when it comes to all things running, so I knew I was in good hands.
Marathon training class started on Jan. 7th... and since then, would you believe I've already run 80 miles!? (Not bad for 5 weeks, considering I could hardly make it 2 miles when I first started.) I've also met some really cool people, seen different parts of Lincoln in ways as I've never seen them before, and managed to lose about 10lbs so far! All the running I've done has been outside... even when it was literally only 2 degrees out and snowing with howling winds. When you get home from a run like that.... I have to admit... you feel pretty darn badass (in the very best of ways!).
I've also spent the past several weeks doing the production work on several wedding albums (on their way here as I type!), designing various wedding invitations, strategizing and re-building my senior and kids&families info packets, and creating a few various framed pieces to donate to different local fund-raising events (not to mention meeting with all the newly engaged brides in the midst of planning their weddings and looking for a photographer!).
And teaching. Another couple of classes start next week!
Plus, I'm really excited be working on the development of a really cool product for photographers (so much fun! hopefully coming soon!).
And perhaps even more exciting than that (is that even possible?), I've been preparing for a flurry of fun at the upcoming WPPI conference in Las Vegas. Booking travel, finding the best deal on hotel rooms... and of course, creating and polishing all four of the different speaking engagements/presentations I'll be delivering! Teaching a master class on InDesign, speaking at the AsukaBook booth (not once, but twice!), and wrapping up the entire conference as part of Photographer's Ignite at the closing session. Seriously... I am PUMPED!
In the meantime, I've got my nose to the grind stone.... my eyes focused on my goals.... and my chin a way up high! :)
Yay for 2010!