Married! Lindsay + Andy

Lindsay and Andy's day was the official beginning of a lifetime journey together. As the Rev. Dr. Jim at First Plymouth said.... we all support you and wish you 'Bon Voyage!'

Andy was all smiles today. I mean.... that grin was ear to ear. He is so happy to be marrying his heart.... and it shows!

OMG. Enough said.

Here's Lindsay looking va-va-va-voom!

Lindsay just gets me with those eyes. Their beauty reflects her calm, steady self. So beautiful!

So.... I pretty much made Lindsay's dad's day today when I asked him to adjust his glasses for a portrait.... and... while doing so.... they snapped in half. Doh!

This little cutie is JR. The cutest ring bearer ever. Look at that rock!

The flowers were gorgeous! Courtesy of Mint Tulip.

After the ceremony, we snagged a couple more shots while the sun was setting.

The limo was M.I.A. In fact, it never showed up! Andy and Lindsay were such incredibly good sports. We loaded up the cars and made it to the reception without missing a beat. Go team!

The reception was held at the Country Club of Lincoln. D-lish!

Pure yumminess.

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. It is absolutely wonderful to see such a loving, deserving, and well matched couple so crazy in love! Thank you for letting me be part of the family and including me in your celebration. :)