I'm Hitting the Road... Let's Meet Up!

2013 is off to a busy start! It's conference season in the industry, and I'm thrilled to be presenting at three of my faves. If you have plans to be at one of them—I hope you'll join me and come say hello!

I'll be teaching various combos of my Wicked Fast Workflow and InDesign Basics at the following international photography events:

SWPP | London Jan. 11th & 12th

ImagingUSA | Atlanta Jan. 20th

Also in Atlanta: I'll be speaking at the Mpix Pro booth at 1pm on Jan. 20th and at the SMUG Mug group at 8:30pm on Jan. 20th

WPPI | Las Vegas March 13th

Drop me a note and let me know if I'll get to see you!

ReFocus in 2013: FREE Online Learning Event!

This time of year is the perfect time to make plans for the upcoming season. Looking to turbo charge and ReFocus your business in 2013? Check out this AWESOME and FREE learning opportunity to gleam all kinds of business wisdom from 13 industry leaders.

No hotel rooms to book, no flights to catch. Tune in and get it all from the comfort of home with your wifi connection and favorite pair of slippers. It's three days worth of goodness that's entirely FREE when you tune in on Jan. 8th, 16th, and 24th.

Yours truly will be sharing my big, bold, and simple approach towards package structuring on Jan. 8th. Other speakers include Dane Sanders, Zach and Jody Gray, Jeff & Julia Woods, and Michael Corsentino—just to name a few.

Learn more and sign up here.


Book Giveaway!

I recently had the honor of announcing the re-branded, special edition of Your Camera Loves You that has been re-released exclusively to Barnes & Noble under the title, "Getting Started in Digital Photography: From Snapshots to Greatshots." Now I can also tell you that I will be giving away some signed copies—and one of them could be YOURS!

To enter, tell me why you want the book in any of the following ways and be sure to copy & paste this link so it's included: http://bit.ly/UMPb02

  • A post on FB. Be sure to tag me so I see it!
  • On twitter. Tag me with @kplicanic

I'll choose/draw winners on Thursday!

Workflow + Album Design: creativeLIVE Wrap-Up

Wow. The entire crew over at creativeLIVE is on their game like nobody's business. They make magic happen on a daily basis, and—they make it look easy.

For those of you who aren't familiar with creativeLIVE and how it works, they offer entirely FREE online workshops, broadcast over the internet to anyone in the world with a connection. If you enjoy the course and want to keep it for future reference, you can purchase it for immediate download (which often includes some bonus goodies too).

They're quickly taking the whole world by storm, and I am beyond honored to have had the opportunity to be part of the fun and witness their collective genius in action. (Group hug!)

I shared my approach to wedding workflow and album design, detailing how for the past 3 years, I've managed to edit a full wedding (and design the album) in 8 hours or less, getting everything back to clients within a week of their wedding. I've been teaching variations of this topic for a few years, and there are always some folks who think I'm making the whole thing up. :) To put an end to any doubts you may have, at the end of Day 2, you can watch  me design a full 40-pg album (entirely from scratch in InDesign), start to finish—in 35 minutes. LIVE and on-camera.

Think I'm kidding? Get the course and see for yourself! ;)

Here's a wrap-up from the end of Day 1: (Huge shout out to the entire creativeLIVE crew and everyone who tuned in to be part of the world-wide magic... Collective happy dance!)

Join Me on creativeLIVE (for FREE!)

Wedding Album I am crazy excited to be making an appearance on creativeLIVE and will have the opportunity to help photographers around the globe whip their workflows into shape!

The 2-day workshop will be broadcast on-line for FREE on Sept. 27th & 28th and you can sign up to watch here. (If you're in or plan to be in the Seattle area at that time, fill out this form for a chance to join me in the live studio audience. Selectees will be notified on Sept. 17th, so get the form in no later than the 16th!)

Here's an overview of what to expect—don't miss this!

Holiday Gift Idea: Learn to Love Your Camera!

Your camera loves you. Yes, it's true. And if you're still looking for a great gift idea, you should know that you (or the shutterbugs in your life) can learn to love your camera back for less than $20! Available at both Barnes & Noble and Amazon, it's easy to ring in the holidays with better photos!

Here's an excerpt from the most recent review: "It's funny how many photo guides and books are out there, but when it comes right down to it, only you will know when the book in question is "the" book for you. Like that crush you had in grade school.... you didn't know what was happening, but it just felt right. Well, Your Camera Loves You should be your crush of the season." You can read the rest of the review here.

PS: If you already have the book, let others know how much you've enjoyed it and write your own review here!

Peachpit Photo Club: A Webinar with Yours Truly!

The incredible people over at Peachpit Press have put together a great (and FREE!) learning resource available for anyone who wants to make use of it. It's called Photo Club, and it's an entirely free series of webinars from their extensive collection of authors and industry leaders. I'm honored to be presenting next Tuesday, Oct. 11th at 7pm CST (5pm PST/8pm EST), and you're invited to join the fun! Register here!