I'm Hitting the Road... Let's Meet Up!

2013 is off to a busy start! It's conference season in the industry, and I'm thrilled to be presenting at three of my faves. If you have plans to be at one of them—I hope you'll join me and come say hello!

I'll be teaching various combos of my Wicked Fast Workflow and InDesign Basics at the following international photography events:

SWPP | London Jan. 11th & 12th

ImagingUSA | Atlanta Jan. 20th

Also in Atlanta: I'll be speaking at the Mpix Pro booth at 1pm on Jan. 20th and at the SMUG Mug group at 8:30pm on Jan. 20th

WPPI | Las Vegas March 13th

Drop me a note and let me know if I'll get to see you!

Creating a Facebook Timeline Cover

Have you seen Adobe's new SWAPP publication yet? (It's FREE and available here via iTunes.) Check out the 2nd issue (blue cover) for my quick video tutorial to learn how to make a Facebook Timeline Cover using a lightning fast combo of ID, PS, and BR! Don't have a tablet? Watch the tutorial video here on YouTube.

ReFocus in 2013: FREE Online Learning Event!

This time of year is the perfect time to make plans for the upcoming season. Looking to turbo charge and ReFocus your business in 2013? Check out this AWESOME and FREE learning opportunity to gleam all kinds of business wisdom from 13 industry leaders.

No hotel rooms to book, no flights to catch. Tune in and get it all from the comfort of home with your wifi connection and favorite pair of slippers. It's three days worth of goodness that's entirely FREE when you tune in on Jan. 8th, 16th, and 24th.

Yours truly will be sharing my big, bold, and simple approach towards package structuring on Jan. 8th. Other speakers include Dane Sanders, Zach and Jody Gray, Jeff & Julia Woods, and Michael Corsentino—just to name a few.

Learn more and sign up here.


Special Year-End Savings from creativeLIVE!

If you're at all familiar with creativeLIVE, you already know that they're more than kind of AMAZING. My experience with the entire crew (as well as with the in-studio audience and viewers around the globe) has been nothing short of phenomenal. As part of their year-end promotion, my 2-day course on Workflow + Album design is on sale for only $79. Get it while it's hot! :)

Holiday Gift Ideas for Photo Enthusiasts

Every year about this time, I get several questions about great gifts for beloved shutterbugs who want to take their photography to the next level. So, without further ado, here are some recommendations: A Lens Upgrade (Yummy Fast Glass!) The term "fast glass" refers to a lens with a large maximum aperture, allowing the user to capture images in low-light with a faster shutter speed, earning the name "fast glass" because it negates the need for a tri-pod. However, the main reason so many people love "fast glass" (even in situations with plentiful light) is that the larger aperture capabilities allow you to create the yummy blurred backgrounds you see is so many professional photos. (Example of my cutie pie nephews below, shot with some "fast glass." Note the deliciously blurred backgrounds...)

If you or your loved one have a dSLR that came with a lens or two, they're likely zoom lenses with a maximum aperture of f/3.5-5.6 (you can see this printed on the lens itself if you look closely). While those are nice general/multi-purpose lenses, there is a fantastically awesome difference when you upgrade to a fast prime lens, and if you go with something like a 50mm f/1.8, you can up your game for less than $120. (Here's the link for the Nikon equivalent.) The numbers to look at are the numbers that appear after the "f/." The lower the number (say.... f/1.8 vs. f/5.6), the larger the aperture, and the "faster" the glass. Really fast glass (like the 50mm f/1.2) comes with a pretty price tag of $1400, but you can get in the game with the f/1.8 without breaking the bank.

Seriously. This lens will change your/their world.

I can hear you now. "But Khara... it doesn't zoom!" True. But let's pause for a moment and respectfully acknowledge that there is more to photography than zooming. And when it comes to dramatically changing your photographic game, it helps to simplify things and learn to seriously rock a single piece of gear. And when that single piece of gear is a decently fast prime lens, if used properly, it can yield more dramatic results than any generic zoom/kit lens you could ever buy.

That said, a 50mm lens can be an all around awesome focal length. Unlike a zoom lens, a "prime" lens is "fixed" at a single focal length, meaning that in order to change your view, you'll need to use your feet. :) But nothing beats the sharpness of a prime lens. Of all my lenses, my 50mm lens is hands down my favorite and spends more time on my camera than all my other lenses combined (zoom or otherwise).

Get Your Knowledge On

Having an upgraded lens is nice and all, but in order to actually take advantage of it, you'll need to get your camera off "auto" mode and into something with more control like Aperture Priority mode or Manual mode. Don't panic! It's not as scary as it sounds. Seriously.

I've been teaching people how to fall in love with their cameras for years, and wrote a book specifically for people who want to learn but don't know where to start. Your Camera Loves You is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Peachpit. It's an easy read that may even put a smile on your face.

On a related note, I'm happy to announce that Your Camera Loves You has been re-released in a special edition exclusive to Barnes & Noble for the holidays with the title, "Getting Started in Digital Photography: From Snapshots to Great shots." It's the same fun-loving, easy going book with a few added features at the beginning and ending of each chapter. Check it out in stores or online!

Practice! A good lens and some serious know-how will take you or your loved one far in their photographic journey—assuming you/they put in some practice. If you're the gift giver, why not include a Saturday/Sunday morning on the town volunteering to model for them? They'll get some practice, and you'll get some nice images (if not right away... eventually). It's a win-win! (And... it's FREE!)

Gear Schmear I know you probably came to this post looking for more "gadgets" you can get the shutterbug in your life... but seriously, gadgets won't make their photos any better. The best thing you can do for yourself or for them, is to amp up on knowledge and practice. The rest will take care of itself. Just tellin' it like it is!

Happy shooting!



Album Design Webinar: TOMORROW!

Spend an hour with me tomorrow—and shave boatloads of hours off your album design time. (Yes, I said boatloads.)

No previous InDesign experience necessary. I'll be teaching from the ground up.

Here's some of things people have said about my InDesign workshops in the past:

“I watched your InDesign tutorial today…in the time it took me to design two pages in Photoshop, I’m almost done with an entire album. Why did I wait so long to try this????” — Nicole Neff

"I attended your platform class and it was indeed life changing.  Now I'm using InDesign to design my albums and it's so easy and quick. Thanks!!" —Emilie

"I just wanted to let you know how much I LOVED your platform class!!  It was seriously the best class I went too!  I took away more applicable knowledge than I have in years!  You kept it fun and interesting and educational, always following it up with a smile!  Love it!  :)" —Jamie

Join me at 1pm central (2pm est) right here.

FaceBook Timeline Cover Design

If you've been looking to spruce up your FaceBook timeline cover, this post is for you! I have a tutorial coming down the pipes to show you exactly how to build your own using InDesign, but for now, you can download this InDesign Facebook timeline cover template that I created, and start having fun right away!

Note: Opening the template file requires InDesign CS4 or newer.

New to InDesign and don't have a clue how to use it? Learn the basics and be up and running in less than an hour with my InDesign tutorial video. Bonus: Save 10% with the code CRAZYFAST.


Downloading Photos from Your iPhone without iTunes

As much as I love Apple, I do not love managing/downloading my photos with iTunes or iPhoto. But—I also don't want 3 years worth of images bogging down my phone. What's a girl to do? Turns out, Mac users can easily bypass iTunes by using Preview. Just plug in your phone, launch Preview, and choose File>Import from iPhone.

Once the images are downloaded, you can also use Preview to batch delete photos from your iPhone. Pretty sweet, eh?

Now that you have tons more space for tons more photos, get out there and get to it already! :)

PS: Looking for more photo fun? Check out my post on how to give your mobile photos a life beyond Instagram and Facebook.

PSS: Windows user? Check out this great post made just for you!

Making Time for Creativity

One of the mistakes I made early in my business, was forgetting to budget time into my schedule for myself to recharge, recalibrate, and dare I say it—relax. I was shooting like a maniac on every day of the week, with multiple sessions per day and one or two weddings every weekend. Ba—nanas.

This went on for about three years before I finally got my act together. When I think back to that time, I still can't quite figure out how I managed to hold it all together, but I'm grateful that I was able to grow from the experience.

These days, I have a much better grip on things and regularly make it a point to give myself lots of breathing room for all kinds of passion projects—photo related and otherwise. While it's not always easy to look at your calendar and simply draw a big ol' line through days, weeks, or even months at a time, it's one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. The payoffs can come in the form of increased focus, new and expanded ideas, and of course—creativity.

Recharging my batteries also means that I'll have more time, attention, and energy to devote to clients, enabling me to provide them with the best possible experience.

Like most things, if you don't allocate time for "taking time off," it's unlikely to happen. With this in mind, I've blocked out the rest of 2012 to devote time to several writing projects, travel, teaching, and hopefully—lots of nephew squeezing. :) I look forward to sharing my adventures along the way!

Before you go, check out this TED Talk from Stefan Sagmeister who shares the value he's found in routinely taking an entire year "off."

Workflow + Album Design: creativeLIVE Wrap-Up

Wow. The entire crew over at creativeLIVE is on their game like nobody's business. They make magic happen on a daily basis, and—they make it look easy.

For those of you who aren't familiar with creativeLIVE and how it works, they offer entirely FREE online workshops, broadcast over the internet to anyone in the world with a connection. If you enjoy the course and want to keep it for future reference, you can purchase it for immediate download (which often includes some bonus goodies too).

They're quickly taking the whole world by storm, and I am beyond honored to have had the opportunity to be part of the fun and witness their collective genius in action. (Group hug!)

I shared my approach to wedding workflow and album design, detailing how for the past 3 years, I've managed to edit a full wedding (and design the album) in 8 hours or less, getting everything back to clients within a week of their wedding. I've been teaching variations of this topic for a few years, and there are always some folks who think I'm making the whole thing up. :) To put an end to any doubts you may have, at the end of Day 2, you can watch  me design a full 40-pg album (entirely from scratch in InDesign), start to finish—in 35 minutes. LIVE and on-camera.

Think I'm kidding? Get the course and see for yourself! ;)

Here's a wrap-up from the end of Day 1: (Huge shout out to the entire creativeLIVE crew and everyone who tuned in to be part of the world-wide magic... Collective happy dance!)